I just went on right now, and the server is crapping itself at the moment. Even we Americans are getting 2 bars at the moment.
I live in Canada and I used to get 99 ms but now I'm getting 387ms My ISP sucks big wang Edit: That was last night. Now I am getting 45ms hmm my average is like 90ms
yeah idk it seems to be location that causes issues for me. Though i generally have bad ping anyway, i get 345 on mv and sb servers, plus around 400 on ts. Course perks of bad internet + living in aus. Not just any place in aus, its actually on the other side of the country to most hosts in aus, so bad ping for everything... yipee!
Me: I'm experiencing bad connection :( Person: Get a better pc then you idiot, no lag for me People like this need to seriously stfu In most cases, it's nothing to do with the computer Please, get lives.