Lately, my connection to MV has been beyond horrible. Sometimes I can see players moving and chatting, but I've lagged out. It takes about 20 seconds for my messages to get through now. Every once in awhile I get kicked with the message "[Proxy] lost connection to the server". It all started after I went to warp 1dollardiamonds (a warp that kicked you after you went to it) which has since been deleted. This is happening all over MV, not just survival. Please help. <3
I have been having the same issue. I was playing parkour today and it happend. I got the internal exception error.
One of the things i tried was just restarting my internet. It works for awhile then stops in like 5-10 mins.
My minecraft is worst then this, it crashes whenever I log onto any server. I only survive on creative but it leaves me with 10 seconds to get on creative. Best bet it just to crash your MC and reload a new one. It kills lag for two hours for me
This is odd, I haven't been experiencing this. It must be something with your optifine or if you run forge.
I doubt these problems are caused by optifine or forge, since I've had a similar problem on Creative (I keep crashing) and I don't have optifine, forge, or even a texture pack :/ (tried inv clear already)