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  • Competition suggestions + Panel sign up

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by AmazingFireGirl, Jun 9, 2015.

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    1. AmazingFireGirl

      AmazingFireGirl Retired Head-Mod

      Mar 14, 2014
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      As this technically isn't a competition I will put it here for now.
      Every month a new panel will be chosen and new competition.
      The mods who wants to organize the next monthly contest might need ideas, you can help.
      If you have an suggestion use this template.
      Your in game name:
      Extra info:

      Now as for panel sign up, I think it will be better to keep separate, you have the choices of a player judge or a host, the judge amount will depend on the competition and there will always be one host. If you wish to do the panel sign up. Use this template.
      In game name:
      Roles you would you wish to par take in for future competitions:
      2-3 Game modes you prefer to par take the role in:
      Extra info:

      If you want to know more, feel free to ask and this will be for your and other players benefits.
      Thank you for reading and enjoy ^-^
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    2. AmazingFireGirl

      AmazingFireGirl Retired Head-Mod

      Mar 14, 2014
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      This is for anyone to par take in and if you are accepted you will find out before hand.
    3. Arvedi

      Arvedi Experienced Member

      Oct 30, 2014
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      Love the idea of these monthly competitions and I would like to pitch in a little suggestion.

      Your in game name: bhuinda

      Suggestion: Creative Build-Off
      Gamemode: Self-explanatory, would be hosted on the creative server

      Contest Size and Concept:

      Because of the size of the creative server and the amount of people who would probably want to join in, I suggest that there is a size limit on the amount of people who join (24? 16?). The build-off would be hosted basically around and about the entire creative server.

      Ideas for Contest Time and Themes:
      Contestants will have a set amount of time to build something based on the chosen theme of the build-off (I suggest a full 24 hours of build time). The theme can basically be anything: it could be something as simple as to build a car or as large as something like a medieval theme. The possibilities of it are endless. (Side Note: any donors who participate in the build-off would NOT be able to use extra plots to build on during the event. One main plot must be chosen.)

      At the end of the 24 hours the player judges will come together and review each plot. After all of the contestants' plots are reviewed the judges would separately decide their first, second, and third place favorite plots. Each judge's favorites would be posted on one specific plot (whether it be yours, fryzigg, or one of the judge's plots, etc.) and might use a very simple point system like three points for first place, two for second place, and one point for third place. The points of each judge's chosen contestants would be added up and whoever has the most points would be declared the winner.
      The top three people with the top scores would be divided into first, second, and third place based on their total points. If anyone ties, or if it's a three-way tie, the contestants would then have another miniature build-off to determine who's the ultimate victor.

      Prizes will vary based on what players, judges, staff, and hosts can pitch in during the build-off. Since it is not really official and isn't sponsored by Cypriot or Noob (is it?), the prize pool at the end of the event will be divided out among the top three winners where the first place winner would get the most loot and the third place winner would get the least. I would love to see if Cypriot or Noob might actually be able to sponsor it so that there could be a set prize pool for each places.

      Hope you might take this into consideration :)
      Last edited: Jun 12, 2015
    4. IdoTheCreeper

      IdoTheCreeper Active Member

      Dec 16, 2014
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      Support What He Said :D
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