Now that i started playing again on minevesre i want to suggest couple things for the kitpvp2 game mode. SpawnWhen we pvp everyone just want to kill the player they're fighting against. Now when some people dont want to lose their gear (basically talking about the diamond guys) what they all do is start running and then just throw a pearl at spawn so they can be saved. NO. That's just not right. If they decide to fight someone who's better than them the only solution is to die or try their best to kill them. New players just cant get better gear than the available kits just because the ones with better gear when they realise they're about to die they'll just throw a pearl at spawn. My suggestion is to make it so no one can pearl to spawn so the only way to get there is by typing the well known to everyone command /spawn Combat TagsThat's kind of related suggestion to the first one but it has a different point. When we're fighting someone the time that we're tagged in combat is 3 seconds which is too low. Increase the combat timer to 10-15 seconds so players cant just run away after a short time. Also make it so when you pearl away then the pearl resets your combat timer so it can be harder to run away. Last but not least make it so while we're still tagged in combat we cant /spawn /tpa /tpahere or /tpaccept until the timer is over so we can also avoid 2v1's Hope you agree with my suggestions so the game can be more challenging and fun and new players can also have chances of getting a better gear. Support it if you like it and feel free to comment below the reasons you agree/disagree with it or add some extra thoughts of yours to it.
Bump. Also as an addition to the main thread: when we use pearls put a 7-10 seconds cooldown until we can use another one
No support First of all I think its okay to run if you're gonna die Second, 15 seconds are alot to tp
No support, time limit is cancerous and you should be allowed to run when you are about to die terrible suggestion.
The game is kitpvp you are supposed to do what ever the hell you need to so you can get stacked i agree running is annoying af and the last one is just cancer you need to think you have done all of these things once and if you say no your flat out lying. You are supposed to enjoy the game, if u cross with someone who is better than you u just want someone to die? Also what if a hacker was there and you have p4 u3 ds3 sharp 5 and all that you would be pissed as hell. These suggestions will ruin kitpvp and make the game easier for people who are better at pvp. NO SUPPORT