This suggestion is based off what @WolfBane said on my thread about changing my ign: So I don't know if this would be possible for this server (I know it is possible on others) but it would be really cool to be able to change the colour of your IGN in the chat, but if this feature were to be implemented, then I think it should be a donor perk. I am, however, not sure which rank it would become available at so please comment what you think! I think this would make things a bit more colourful on the server and would give players the freedom to express themselves ^-^ ***On Another Note*** Maybe we could get the /gender plugin? That way when there are a lot of non donors, the chat won't become a sea of white (This would allow /male and /female btw and before you ask there isn't a /dunno or /iamwhatiam. You can find out more here: )
I'm planning on donating soon actually, haha. I think it sounds like a cool idea to customly change the color of your IGN to whatever your preference may be :P Support - S
I hate gender roles, blue doesn't apply for just males, and pink doesn't apply to just females. I like the idea overall, though. Instead of the blue and pink idea, how about the player can choose whichever? Anyhow, support on the donors being able to change their name colour.
Pretty cool idea. But I can extend so no one gets confused: [God] -whatever colour- : Keep the rank prefix the same but be able to change the IGN colour. Support.
I can't control the /gender plugin as it is pre-existing but I see your point, however if a player does want to change their name to a different colour they can always donate :p (or they can always keep their name white)
All I can see is a messy, and really bright chat. The more colors, the uglier it gets. I think they already have enough colors, sorry. No Support.
If we get a "/male" "/female" command, they'll have to add a "/notsure" "/imwhateveriwanttobe" , so no one gets offended. ........
No support, once played on a server where this was allowed... Pretty sure I got ebola from trying to read chat.