I came up with an idea, to have permanent colored chat for donors on all game-modes (because colored chat isn't enabled on all gamemodes ex: creative, skywars), and only the easy to read colors like, &b, &a, &d Just to add more, maybe allow players to Italicize, Bold their name. -Maybe a cooldown -Limited the colors to a, b, d
Alright, here's my opinion. Will you be able to toggle these? Can you only get certain colour codes? I don't like the idea of being allowed to hold your name. However, I think we should be able to use all colour codes in chat. There is a slight problem in my opinion. What if they set their colour code to &k? Another few questions. Are you able to mix codes like &l and &4 and things like that? Are you able to set patterns on the colour? For now, I cannot give my full opinion and summary yet. The only part I have decided on is the bold name. No support for that. For now, I will have to stay with neutral, leaning towards support. ~Porky.
Yes you will be able to toggle these and you get certain color codes. Only Italic and Bold are allowed. Not even strike-through because it covers the name. You're allowed to mix codes though, but only 1 solid color.
Would the donor chat colour come with what their rank colour is? (Example: Elite ranked people type in pink) Or, would any donor be able to change and choose their colour? With the added option of disabling and enabling?
I'm kinda with @Kyaaaal . On another server, they are able to make their username ANYTHING but &k. I don't think however we should type in color, but I think mods should. It would pop their name and chat. If they were to ask someone something, the person really couldn't ignore it. The chat would probably get REALLY annoying with all donors in different colors. I also think customizing your name gives away from the fact that if you pay for a donor rank, you get a certain color - I think it gives away from the actual rank if you can change the color and 'thickness. Neutral.
Neutral I feel, because many people are donators on the server, that this would just get too anoying.
You see, there are people who are called 'obnoxious' and these are the ones who would abuse it. Ex- spam. They could spam the colors. Also, this would give some a head ace
Did you read the thread he states cooldown. also Please do not double post instead just reply to 2 things in 1 reply thanks.