On the shop page, it says that you can redeem a code. What gift card is this? Is there a Mineverse gift card?
It means a coupon code. They used to come out every once in a while to basically make a sale on the ranks, etc.
No i believe this is a built in buycraft add-on which cannot be removes, to the best od my knowledge there are no gift cards Sent from my SM-T560 using Tapatalk
What. BuyCraft has an option to allow the usage of coupons. This is obviously that feature. It doesn't mean Mineverse have 'Giftcards'
You dont. No one does, unless they eventually release coupons. There is no way to disable the coupon box showing, and although it's misleading, there are no coupons.
There were coupons a while back. I guess they have since stopped releasing new ones for different holidays.