Hi @Cmoreno32 , I believe we know each other from ArcherPvP, we met a while back. I think that you're a nice person and all, I just feel I have to leave my honest opinion on this application, even if it means being brutally honest. Sorry if what I say causes offence, as like I said, you seem like a nice person in-game. No Support: This application lacks detail. And is basically nothing but the template. Adding colour, spacing and spacers might spice it up a bit. Look at the accepted applications, and take ideas from them. Simply add more detail, things like traits could be added. Grammatical problems. Try and fix as many of the grammar problems you can, to make your application look more professional. Activity. From what I see, you're not active on the forums enough to be a moderator, improve your activity and get to know the community. Ban. I normally do not say this, and don't let a person's previous bans affect my decision on their application, but, I think that if you were rightfully banned for trolling this will affect my decision, trolling isn't a major offence, but it definitely is if you are given the power of a moderator. Best of luck with this application. Have a nice day ;)
No support Add more detail Put effort into it. Inspect your work before publishing it Try to be active Help forum people and screenshot it and paste it here (that boosts your chances)