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  • Requirements Needed CloseMcM'S Staff Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Areo, Mar 24, 2017.

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    1. Areo

      Areo Active Member

      Mar 17, 2017
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      Hello everyone! My name is CloseMcM also known as Close. I am a 14 [ISH] year old boy, and I live in a province called Canada, It's is a decent sized province, around 36,626,083 people live around canada. I am applying for moderator on Mineverse. I had a few application last year I can't really remember the dates but I have changed ever since. Minecraft has always bin a hobby for me ever since I was around 7 years old. Then one of my friend online told me about mineverse in the beginning of 2015 ever since the day I joined mineverse I enjoy playing on it. The first gamemode/server I ever played was kitpvp and which convinced me to buy titan rank, I am more of a supervisor and decent at pvp. If you would like to learn a little more about me you can message me at anytime, other than that let's begin this staff application. Note: I have two mineverse accounts my other one is named AddictiveShadow here is a link to it https://www.mineverse.com/members/addictiveshadow.19709/ .

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      Your in-game name:
      My current in-game name is: CloseMcM
      I don't plan on changing it anytime soon.

      What timezone are you in?
      My current timezone is P.S.T

      What country do you live in?
      I live in Canada [Province]

      What languages do you speak?
      I speak English but in school I am leaning french when I am speaking french I am not the best but I still can say a few things.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Yes, I have BandiCam,OBS,Action [Soon Getting] I can also take screen shots if it has to be quick at any given moment.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?

      I think I should be moderator because I feel that I am ready to handle the responsibilities of moderator. I also want to improve the server by catching hackers or threats to anyone, I will help who ever needs help because I'm a active member.

      1. Qualities
      This category will mainly indicate you about the qualities I have to become a moderator.

      When I talk to any players in-game, I am always nice and kind unless they are being mean or trying to threaten me I try to keep my cool and most of the time I do keep it cool but if it goes way to far I just say "Just get lost" those are the three words I say if people push me way to far.


      I have a lot of knowledge with the server. I know the rules of most gamemodes, the forums rules and the many different hacks because I am constantly observing them as I report a hackers. Also, I know how to play most gamemodes, so I can be a handy man in many cases.


      In my opinion, I think I am very mature when it comes to being a staff member on a server. Also, I am constantly growing, and believe that I am constantly maturing.


      I love to help around, like if it's a hobby. I help any player in any need possible, and I believe this will increase if I get the position as a moderator. It would be a absolute pleasure helping people daily on the server.


      I am very trustworthy. I never scam others, and never plan to. Also, I would never reveal private or confidential information that was told to me by others. Private information doesn't need to be revealed to others so I keep it in safe hands.

      Fast Typer:

      I am a decently fast typer. Although it happens that I type too fast that I will create typos, this can help me to answer any questions in private messages or in public chat pretty quickly. This can also help me communicate with everyone at once.

      In my opinion, I am very friendly. Some players might see me as a regular player, but I am very friendly. I love to take part in conversations, whichever topic it brings up. I would appreciate anyone to talk to me.


      As a moderator, I feel that I should always welcome people to the community. I will always be there to welcome people to the community in-game and in forums, and also simply welcoming any players from a small AFK session.


      I am very calm, and rarely to never overreact. Anytime I die in a battle, lose a challenge or simply lose a bet, I am always calm and a good sport. Also, I rarely to never get angry over stupid conversations, arguments and any form of racism.

      Equal/Non Biased

      Every moderator should be equal, or non biased, to every player. Being equal to every player gives everyone the same warning that would be given to anyone else in any situations. Even if it's a friend, a colleague or a sibling, the same rules and punishments will apply for everyone. For example, I have already banned friends from a server for breaking rules.


      I am very patient. I will never rush someone to complete a task, give me information or help someone out. If it takes 5 minutes, a hour or even a couple days, I will never rush someone to complete a task.


      In my opinion, I am experienced. I have moderated a friend's server so people don't break the rules. Like I mentioned above, I have banned friends from the server for breaking rules. Also, I am experienced with the commands on how to use them. Here is the list of commands that I know of:
      /tempban [Player] [Reason(s)] [Time]
      /mute [Player] [Reason(s)] [Time]
      /kick [Player] [Reason(s)]
      /warn [Player] [Reason(s)]
      /tpo (Player)

      2. Contribution to the community

      My contribution to the community will be helping them out, being friendly and being equal. The community is one happy family that shouldn't be torn apart by any rule breakers. This is why I want to enforce the rules so the community is friendly to each other, happy and having a lot of fun. Not just that, but I am very dedicated to come on every day and enjoy myself while playing with the community, and having a lot of fun. It would be a true honour to help the community, and I am very much positive I can endure the pressure by 'not so friendly' players.

      3. Contribution to the staff team

      My contribution to the staff team will be making everyone smile, laugh and enjoy their time as a staff member. I am not saying that this is not happening, but I want to boost the happiness, the giggles and the smiles that every staff team should bring everyday on the job. I want to be a new 'shooting star' to the team that will glow the talks in-between us. It would be a absolute pleasure doing this, and I would hope, if I become a moderator, that everyone will have some positive and happy talks or letters!

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      I am very active on the server, and try to stay on the server for the longest amount of time possible. Here is a list of the times which I can be on the server every day:

      Monday: 2 - 3 hours online
      Tuesday: 1 - 3 hours online
      Wednesday: 3 - 6 hours online
      Thursday: 2 - 3 hours online
      Friday: 3 - 7 hours online
      Saturday: 4 - 10 hours online
      Sunday: 3 - 6 hours online

      *Please note that this can change depending on school, vacations, planned activities and other different reasons.*

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I started playing Mineverse December 2nd of 2015, which would be close to 2 years.

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
      I have been banned in the past, and here is a brief list of the bans.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      I do have minimal experience as a moderator. Like I indicated above, I have moderated a friends server, and got some players banned for breaking rules. I am very familiar with the commands, and would easily adapt to the position.

      Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below? Yes/No
      Yes, I meet all the requirements below to become a staff member.

      Do you have 50 Post Count?
      Yes, On my second account I think I have 59-60 post counts.

      Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up?
      Yes, I have it activated to use it every time I log in forums.
      Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums?
      Yes. I've been on forums since April (Date) 2015 on my second and 2016 on my main
      Do you have Skype and Teamspeak 3 for offline communication?
      Yes, I have both Skype and Teamspeak 3 for offline communications.

      It was a absolute pleasure writing out this moderator application and I hope you appreciate the application! Even if you give me a support, neutral or no support, I will be very great full that you took a bit of your time to read this! I will constantly update my application if there are any small or major errors about me or my grammar. Thank you for reading my moderator application, and I hope you have a great day/night

      Sincerely, CloseMcM
    2. Surge

      Surge Boss Member

      Sep 16, 2015
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      Thank you so much for taking the time to apply for staff on Mineverse.
      Unfortunately you don't meet the requirements for staff at this time. We encourage you to read the requirements needed and take some time to get to know the community here on forums.

      Feel free to fill out an application in the future.
      Volunteers are always needed.
    3. Linux

      Linux Boss Member

      Aug 20, 2014
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      Please don't copy other peoples moderator application. You have been banned for 1 day.
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