OK, LISTEN UP SOLDIERS! I, cueball2001, is announcing an AMAZING opportunity to all you deadbeat prison players out there. I Introduction ____________________________________________________________________ Most of you out there are mostly thinking... "What is this guy doing trying to make a team like this". The truth is, I don't care how you feel. I am making this team for one reason and one reason only. To slice the Achilles off ALL mortals that aren't on it. We will be an elite special OPs team that uses the most highly effective tactic, Stealth. We will surprise our opponents in an instant. We will have a brother-hood. Maraudery is a must. ____________________________________________________________________ II Application ____________________________________________________________________ You MUST use this style of application In-game Name: Age: Means of communication (Skype, Pony Express, or anything else you have): In Game Rank: How long you have been playing Prison: Rate yourself at PVP (1-10): Why do you want to join us: How will you benefit the clan? (i.e Grinder/farm): Time Zone: Time you can be on: Are you cool/swaggy?: Will you be a "Baller"? Please copy and paste and fill out the requirements. ___________________________________________________________________ III Members ____________________________________________________________________ Currently In the clan we have Wafflezzzzzzz XxxCaitlyn10xxX OoCreeperZoO nyitrai77 ____________________________________________________________________ IV Benefits ____________________________________________________________________ We will have a team plot. Everything included (Anvils, Potions, Whatever). You will receive a set of protection 4 diamond armor. You will have the satisfaction knowing we will be united. ____________________________________________________________________ Thanks ~Cue