I'm not accusing him for using sharpness 1000 or something like that. He is using like anti knockback.
The video shows that the user was using anti-knock back. What I also found odd was that when CraftedHuman moved to the side, the accused hacker was still hitting him, facing in the same direction. So maybe there is another hack caught in the video like kill aura?
Stop trying to get me banned because I killed u and Simon like 10 tines and you use hack clients but you turned it f fot he vid.
That is obviously a No-Knockback hack. Do not make continuous excuses to make the video appear different than it is. Also , stop getting your friend(s) to cover up for you. Can an Moderator deal with this?
Either there is a ban, warning, or no ban. Period. You can see that there is at least 1 hack in there. Good proof. Rakion, I'm sorry for your loss.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.