I am changing my rating to a support for the following reasons: Friendly - You are very friendly to everyone around you and doesn't get into any drama. This is what we would be looking from a moderator. Helpful - This player has been helpful throughout my time knowing him. A player like this will be amazing to bring to the team. But, I would like you to improve on the following reasons: Activity - Although you are European, your activity is low and needs to be worked on. I understand that you're busy with Minetime, but if you want to be a moderator here, you have to try and be active. Reports - You are lacking in your abilities to report rule breakers, as of my knowledge. Although you try and push yourself here and then, this needs to be worked on. Judging hackers - From what I've seen in your reports, you lack the ability to spot valid hackers. Although I've banned a couple hackers from your reports, many times will I have had to lock your report as a lack of evidence. If you are a moderator, I wouldn't mind helping you with improving this ability. Although this may seem like I am being bias since there are more negatives arguments than positives, I believe you deserve a chance. I am leaning towards a neutral, so do not let me down! Good luck!
Even though I am a newer player, I'll go with a support. Your application is very well written and judging by other people's comments, you are qualified enough to be a moderator. I wish you the best of luck! <3
honestly HATE how people judge mod apps if they have seen the player or not...you don't need to see the player to know they're active...like...what?? called different timezones peopleeeeeee. Anyway, I'm not sure you can handle both but you are pretty active here. This shows you might be able to handle it. Support for me! Good luck bro.
Support, we really need more mods in the EU timezone. Other than that, you're a moderator on minetime, meaning you do have experiences. Good luck.