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  • | ChibiBerry | Introduction |

    Discussion in 'Introductions & Farewells' started by ChibiBerry, Jan 15, 2016.


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    1. ChibiBerry

      ChibiBerry Active Member

      Nov 21, 2015
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      Herro there! I am ChibiBerry, If I don't look familiar to you- its okay, I'm not and I don't play Mineverse. I'm a skyblock.net player, Trial Moderator actually, so for the few on here who do know me or recognize me, that's why :D

      I kindof don't know how to really introduce myself since I don't know the Mineverse community that well, so if you do want to know me a little better I've gotten my introduction from Skyblock below if you wish to read x3

      It took me along time to get this account's email working but thanks to Krissy and Pile my account was fixed so thank you both for the help x3 ~ I joined when it was 'cool' to join Mineverse if you were from Skyblock and vise versa with Mineverse to join Skyblock. But now I've tried getting my account working since Akrill got Dubtrack for Skyblock and Mineverse working, the tag he uses doesn't work on here so that annoyed me, so I got this up and running for the soul reason so it stopped annoying me XD
      Here is the Dubtrack and here is the guide

      So now I don't know what else to talk about considering I've got my introduction down below so I guess feel free to ask me anything or talk to me :D !

      Welcome back the format most of you complain about~
      Herro, I'm ChibiBerry.
      I'm currently 19 and my birthday is July 23rd, I'm a leo.
      I'm gay and have an amazing and wonderful boyfriend, Destinys_Wrathe.

      I have been involved in skyblock since August 23rd 2014.

      I'm a self-taught digital artist, I used to have an art shop on here ChibiBerryArtsu, which I may or may not open sometime soon if I become active again. I usually draw with my laptop touch pad but as of September 29th 2015, I've gotten a drawing tablet, Wacom Intros Pro. Drawings like my profile picture is the result of my new art style :3 Now if you want art... It is true my art shop is down, but feel free to try and bribe me, note that my new art style is a lot more expensive than my old style. A lot more. But don't worry, you can still request my old art style too if you really want art. If you want to see more of my art check out . . .
      | GaiaOnline Profile | DeviantArt | My Website | My tumblr | Recolor.me |

      I'm an ex moderator for skyblock.net, I was moderator from January 22rd and was demoted July 27th.
      Yes the title of demotion has a title that stings but I've done nothing wrong so therefore it shouldn't for me, but its for the people lack understanding and knowledge of the situation who constantly tell me how much of a disappointment I am, but lets not get into that, if you wish to know more check this out [here].
      I got re-promoted on the 8th of November (Ninja's birthday!)
      Thank you everyone who supported me x3 !

      A lot of people think that I've left skyblock, but as for the past few months I've been quitting minecraft and a few social sites I go on to avoid drama, and now I'm always hyper and easily bored... and I need a hobby. So I thought maybe just join a few of the servers I love, though I'm not just joining .net... I'm coming back to start playing on org. Most of my good friends switched to there and it feels fresh, surely needs a lot of players on it- the server and community is fantastic.

      I'll still be playing on .net but mind you, when I do play minecraft, I will be switching at times to playing on .org. Now for the people who know me know I love to help people and I can feel a few of you sitting there, staring at your screen... thinking; "If you become active and have a decent island, you're going to apply for moderator on org, arent you?" Well I'm currently going through a personality check, I changing because I don't see it as "okay and harmless" to act like myself... in other words, I'm going through a idgaf phase, for .net at least, I am still applying to become a moderator on .net though. On org though, I don't really know how to act, though I feel like if org is the community I've heard about, There won't be a need for this so... if I apply for moderator? Pfft, may happen, may not. Honestly don't know or care at this point. It would be a great chance either way but I have no intent to investing time into skyblock to have people judging me as soon as the ice cracks :b For now I'm just a player.

      So now that I am promoted to a .net moderator again, I have no intention of moving to org any time soon, although, I really want too. I prefer .org than .net, I can't stress this enough. Org. community seems a lot more friendly and since I personally don't like the whole make-your-own-currency, the fact that it has set prices for majority of the items, I just really like the whole mind set of .org. But sadly, I hate being the one getting help rather than me helping others. So .net is where I belong (for now).
      I have no real intention of being promoted any higher than trial mod to be honest and many know this since I say this a lot, but the truth is I really don't. I want to be helper to new players and help the people who really need help. Trial Moderator allows me to have majority of the commands to do what I wish to do. Although if I ever do get promoted to Full Moderator, my aim will be to become a Super Moderator as soon as possible. Why? Because as a Super Moderator, you are able to become a moderator on .net and .org, so then I'll be able to play on org and still do moderating without being 'inactive and avoiding moderating', but I really feel like being a moderator on forums is the most fun, I don't really talk much on forums, mainly do status, mini games and focus on the art community I'm trying to bring up, so being a forum moderator is really enjoyable for me.

      Now that I've gotten that off my chest XD

      Well I am currently 19, Leo, I am a male although I am gender fluid, I was born completely male but when I hit puberty at the age of 8 I developed a high level amount of estrogen so I developed a large chest and my hair grew down up to my waist. So I am gender fluid- Knowing this, I don't really mind if you call me a female or male, if you're unsure what to refer me as, call me a guy. I also have a few serious medical conditions so I am on several medications, partly way I'm inactive. I also live with a legal guardian and don't live with my parents. I started playing minecraft 23rd of August 2014 so I've legit been playing for like 2 years.

      I also really like anime~ Although I don't know much anime, check out My Anime List to find out how much of a nub I really am. My favourite animes are I guess is Clannad / Clannad Afterstory and Naruto, which were the first two animes I ever watched. The genres I prefer is Slice of Life and Dramatic I guess.

      Thanks for my online mother (Not actual mother) for getting me Undertale!
      Thank you Frozen Ninja for getting me:
      BattleBlock Theatre (For me and William)
      Grow Home
      Garry's Mod (Gmod)

      Sadly due to money, I love games but I am not a huge gamer. My favourite games consist of the Legend of Zelda franchise, Fire Emblem - Awakening (And Fates when it comes out ;D), Pokemon Series, Minecraft. I love games which has a story line and adventure indie games.

      Here is my Steam its so crappy and nooby... look at it and all of its adorable noobyness. I'm currently trying to get a few games, BattleBlock Theatre, two copies so I can get my amazing boyfriend William a copy as well. As well as two copies for the same reason of Bloody Trapland, Hunnipop (Don't judge us! We're gay. We find this game funny because of Markiplier.) and 1 copy of Spore, Goat Simulator (because... why not? Its a fun game. Glitchy and random... :D) Minecraft: Story Mode, Grow Home, Garry's mod, 100% Orange Jucie, Portal 2, Portal, I am Bread, Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons and Alice: Madness Returns (I don't know if this is a series, if so, I want the other games as well).

      I also have a 3DS, which is the awesome color of red >w> My Friend Code is 2595 - 3378- 4773. This might change considering that my DS has wiped itself out twice now, but right now this is my friend code XD My favorite game to play is Animal Crossing - New Leaf. I really want Happy Home Designer but I'm broke as the world knows. Although games I do own are: Animal Crossing - New Leaf, Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of time, Kingdom Hearts - Dream Drop Distance, Pokemon Y, New Super Mario Bros. 2, Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D Land, Legend of Zelda - Link between Worlds.
      That's all of my 3D games, other games I have are: Animal Crossing - Wild World. Legend of Zelda - Spirit Tracks, Pokemon Black, Pokemon Black 2, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Pokemon Soul Silver, 4 TTDS and a R4I cards (If yknow what those are... good on you, you pirate ;D!) and I have 12 discs for the TTDS' so yeah, Nintendo Dogs, Lost in the Blue, 2 Imagine games for some reason and PicrossDS.

      As most people know, Music is a huge thing in my life, although I can't read music well, I can play a lot of instruments besides brass woodwinds (etc trumpets) although I can play flutes.
      Here are a few bands I enjoy
      30 Seconds to Marz, All-American Rejects, A Day To Remember, All Time Low, Anamanaguchi, Bastille, Blink-182, Bowling For Soup, Caleb Hyles, Coldplay, Echosmith, Escape the Fate, Evanescence, Fall Out Boy, Falling in Reverse, Florence and the Machine, Foo Fighters, Forest of the Trees, Foster the People, Fray, Fun., Goo Goo Dolls, Good Charlotte, Gotye, Green Day, Hellogoodbye, Hollywood Undead, Hoobastank, Imagine Dragons, Innerpartysystem, JJ Demon, Kings of Leon, Lana Del Rey, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Lumineers, M83, Marianas Trench, Mayday Parade, MGMT, Milky Chance, Mumford & Sons, Muse, My Chemical Romance, Nake and Famous, NateWantsToBattle, Neon Trees, Never Shout Never, Nickelback, Oasis, Of Mice and Men, Of Monsters and Men, Offspring, OK go, One Republic, Owl City, Panic! At the Disco, Papa Roach, Paramore, A Perfect Circle, Pierce the Veil, Plain White T's, Radiohead, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Rise Against, Safetysuit, Script, Secondhand Serenade, Silverchair, Simon Curtis, Simple Plan, Sleeping with Sirens, Smiths, Snow Patrol, Story of the Year, Sum 41, Superchick, The Cab, Three Days of Grace, Thousand Foot Krutch, Tove Lo, Train, The Used, Vans, Twenty One Pilots, Walk the Moon, We the Kings, Woe Is Me, Yellowcard, You me at six
      These isn't even half I'll be adding more when I remember more.

      Anyway, that is pretty much all about me. I'm as open as a book so if you want to know me better, just ask.

      ▐▐▐ ████████████████████████
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    2. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      Welcome, I wonder where I know you from ;)
    3. Electric_

      Electric_ Well-Known Member

      Nov 24, 2014
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      Hello & Welcome! :>
    4. BlackZone

      BlackZone Boss Member

      Aug 23, 2014
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      Welcome! :)
    5. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      Welcome Chibi!
      I dunno if you'd remember but we met today on the .net classic sky block :)
      I hope we can talk more and gl passing Trial Mod on .net! <33
    6. SSMH

      SSMH Legendary Member

      Jun 30, 2014
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    7. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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    8. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      oh god
    9. Janice

      Janice Retired Admin | Max's Mentee Premium

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Welcome Chibi :)
      Good to see you here, enjoy your stay.
    10. RoboticDuck155

      RoboticDuck155 Active Member

      Nov 8, 2014
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      Hey welcome don't cause trouble!! :)
    11. Thnyan559

      Thnyan559 Experienced Member

      Sep 16, 2015
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      Welcome to the Mineverse Forums/server.
      Wish you a great time.
      accept my dubtrack app :>
    12. GenyS

      GenyS Guest

      Hello ;] Hope you enjoy it here...
    13. Soneyuburst

      Soneyuburst Active Member

      Jun 12, 2014
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      Welcome to mineverse
    14. thorraks

      thorraks Guest

    15. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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    16. Accepted

      Accepted Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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    17. ChibiBerry

      ChibiBerry Active Member

      Nov 21, 2015
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      Hey there~ x3 Another Dubtrack Buddy!

      ▐▐▐ ████████████████████████


      Thank you~ I believe I saw you on dubtrack as well o: ? You used a kitty picture owo

      ▐▐▐ ████████████████████████


      Thank you~~ :3 I remember seeing you on .org for a bit xD

      ▐▐▐ ████████████████████████


      I remember you :D ! And thank you x3 Not really aiming for it any time soon tbh, happy being trial, been it for a year, gonna try and make a record >:3

      ▐▐▐ ████████████████████████


      Herro! I feel like giving you a high five because of your profile picture but I feel like I'd get burned.

      ▐▐▐ ████████████████████████


      Herro~ And congrats for being the first non-mod person to say hi to me on here XD haha~ :3

      ▐▐▐ ████████████████████████


      You called :3 ?

      ▐▐▐ ████████████████████████


      Thank you~ Your profile picture looks pretty o:

      ▐▐▐ ████████████████████████


      B-But what if I wanna cause trouble, I gotta rebel somewhere ;w;

      ▐▐▐ ████████████████████████


      Ty~ I'll accept it when I own mineverse :t:

      ▐▐▐ ████████████████████████


      Dubtrack buddddddy~ I'll enjoy it more since I actually know people XD

      ▐▐▐ ████████████████████████


      Ty~ Your picture is so simple but I like it so much for some reason o:

      ▐▐▐ ████████████████████████


      I believe I have the right picture which I drew to reply to this with;
      120 - cheshchibi.png

      ▐▐▐ ████████████████████████


      Herro Dubtrack and Org troll :D ! How ish you?

      ▐▐▐ ████████████████████████


      Thank you~ :3

      ▐▐▐ ████████████████████████
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      Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2016
    18. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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