I've gotta say, mods are put under a lot of stress, and I would like to commend them for being as friendly and diligent as they are
Staff Member's Name: @Dontchallengeme How you met this Staff Member: Well, a very long story. I first met him back in April of 2014. I called him a hacker and we where un-teamed. But one day I asked if anyone wanted to Skype and he said yes. And then I met a guy called @Packcrap and we all just started skypeing and became friends. What is awesome about this Staff Member Everything,
Staff Member's Name: @Musezeta How you met this Staff Member: Well, I saw him on the forums but had never met him in game. Then, I slowly started seeing him in game. And now, I see him most days as he plays opprison. What is awesome about this Staff Member: He's a new mod and is doing pretty well so far. He's always been nice to me, never lied to me and tbh, he's just fun to talk to. Although he's too shy to talk to me on Teamspeak. :P
Dcm was being a tool. My sound was muted because my bro turns it off to play pokemon so I couldn't hear I had a voice changer. Anddd I didn't realise this so DCM decided to take opportunity and be a... Nvm.