Changing The Color Tag For Staff Members! Hello everyone, today I'll be suggesting to change the colors of the staff member tags. Now some developers, and builders don't even have their tag which I find unfair. I'm not here to complain about that. I'm just saying maybe we give the tags to who needs recognition, I also changed the colors for the staff tags. Something went wrong when I tried to copy & paste it onto the thread, but I have a screenshot, let me know what you think! These are colors @reborn n thought of. He let me chnage them OWNER DEVELOPER BUILDER OR HEAD-MOD SENIOR-MOD OR MODERATOR All of these would be bolded up to prevent confusion from donor ranks and staff ranks. For Head-Mod and Moderator, I've had to give two choices for both of them due two one head-mod wanting coot purple but a mod also wanting coot purple. If this gets accepted, the staff can choose.
Huh... I don't really like the Mod tag colour xD Is it this colour? @Obsolescent I mean Cyan-ish colour is fine but getting old I think xD Looks like stale space food.
Neutral, i dont find this something which is really needed but, it'd be nice to see something different
Neutral The mod tag was changed to blue a while back because it was the same colour as Supreme, which meant people kept asking Supremes to ban people and things like that.
I personally think this would be better. OWNER DEVELOPER BUILDER OR HEAD-MOD SENIOR-MOD OR MODERATOR All of these would be bolded up to prevent confusion from donor ranks and staff ranks. For Head-Mod and Moderator, I've had to give two choices for both of them due two one head-mod wanting coot purple but a mod also wanting coot purple. If this gets accepted, the staff can choose.
Swap the moderator with the head moderator color and I'd go for that. I love purple Plus it would give a distinguishing difference between moderator and the sr. mods.
I agree with this. I like this colour! Andrewswj aw yeah, that's exactly what is amazing. Neh ~ There's a Sr. Mod tag in front xD Andrew wants purple. :P