Hey so i changed my name to from "Freckle50" to "Freckle" and lost my rank idk why but Mineverse is the only server i lost my rank on, can i get a transfer or something??? i was Titan. @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew @HeyitsAlexa
I also Changed my alts name from themegan50 to BruceLee that's right I got the name before anyone else xD themegan50 was sponsor
I lost mine when I changed my alt from GalacticDemon (don't ask) to JaXon (my dog's name). Any help? Someone had just bought it premium, and I have no proof even tho I recorded it. It somehow was deleted..
My alts name is BruceLee and I was recording the name change on mineplex the captain sparklez comes on to record and I say hi MID RECORDING and he says hey how are you. I'm so happy. Best day on minecraft ever. Or luckiest day ever!!!
They are changing names because A new update of Minecraft has Name changing starting Feb 4 there will be able to be name changing.. This gives a lot of Problems to Minecraft Servers. They will have to get Stuffz back again...