If you could go back in time to any point in your life, what would you change, and why? For me, I would go back to elementary school, and change how I acted towards everyone then. Why? It's pretty much been the downfall of my life since then, and probably would have helped me with my social skills dx
I would go back and not of been homeschooled for 7th & 8th grade, because it has been hard to come back and make friends in high school.
School, honestly. Wish I wouldn't have slacked off during every year of my high school experience. Also, trying to be more social. I have missed both of my school's proms (junior and senior year.)
I would go back to myself when I was six and call tell myself about how much of I legend im am xD at this time
same now mine: Go back to when Minecraft was made and buy it, go back to when the forums were made and make an account Why? i'm a selfish prat who wants to look experienced and wants to be more famous here ;) Now a serious one: go back in time to when i was 7 Why? to change my character completely, make myself completely monotonous to scare the crap out of everyone and to make them get the hell of my back because I am completely introverted and i don't want people around me IRL
I would become a loner in year 9 so I didn't have put up will all the chavvy nonsense my group of friends provided me with until they decided I wasn't good enough for them ( or most likely i was too good and they got scared ;) )