No Support. I feel I haven't seen you a lot on the forums. I will be back when you maintain the level of activity you're at now ;) Good luck :D
I am sorry, I hadn't been able to get on forums for two months (reasons I wouldn't like to show up here). Thanks for your feedback!
No problem. Sorry if I seem mean in my opinion, but all worthy staff need to be active. You seem to be active recently, just keep it up and Ill be back with my 100% support. You're application is awesome also, again, just work on being as active as you can ;)
Lol. You say you have maturity yet I've edited more statuses then anyone else's. I also recall you saying that "the forums are cruel" yet you are applying for mod a couple months later. You said the staff team was "bull" yet you want to work with them? You said people on these forums should "f" themselves, yet you want to moderate them? No support, and I doubt I ever will.
Shapport Olcy! You're worth this, you've been doing great things for the Skywars-People, and all the other people. I bet you'll do very great as moderator! Good luck!
Thank you! That's a good reason for not supporting me. I used to represent the 'normal' Skywars community. They are craving for mods. Noone's ever dedicating time for skywars. Skywars is hell. You don't know how many hackers there are. You don't know how many people advertise. I was gone for 2 months. I learned how to keep myself calm. I never told players directly to 'f' themselves. If so, please show up with evidence. Thank you for your feedback anyway.
No support. You hack on bedwars with your stupid friend _Seannnn. (who is also a hacker) If you're a donor and you're going to hack, you don't deserve to be a mod or donor. You should be banned. Since the mods dont have perms on minigames, you're technically evading a ban.
You must confuse me with somebody. 1. The last time I played bedwars is roughly 4 months ago, 2. I don't know a player called _Seannnn. I'm not taking your reply honestly, because it isn't true. 3. The player you probably meant is 'AyeeImOlc'(My ign is AyeImOlc), that's somebody else. 4. Hacking isn't relatable to me. I don't hack and I never will. 5. If you don't believe me, make sure to report me next time. Many people can prove who I am. Please think about your feedback again. [EDIT]This is outdated, I changed my name anyway~
Support! even though I have only recently met you in-game, you seem like an amiable person and I really wish you the best of luck! ^-^