Before all of you say, "Did you even think of this?" My answer is no, I just wanted to hear everyone out, to see if this should be suggested in the future. -- So basically, we all know mods that only play certain gamemodes more than others. This is pretty common. When applying for mod, youre supposed to be kind of active on all gamemodes, or at least play all gamemodes. When you get promoted to mod, you are equally active (maybe) on all gamemodes for a little bit. Over time you start to adjust and favor more gamemodes than others for different reasons. To add to that, only 2 mods are usually on at a time - maybe even one. I have also seen them on the same gamemode sometimes. Since this all usually occurs, I think we should take mods in that stick to a range of gamemodes, specifically 1-3. This way each mod says a few gamemodes they know info about, and are very active on. Most mods don't even go on certain gamemodes. I think we should also have a schedule (didn't think this out though). Somehow, the mods could figure out a time range some mods should be on around. This would NOT mean: Mod ABC has to be on from 3-10 pm. People have lives. It would just be a time range they should kinda be on around. Example: Mod ABC should get on between 1-5 pm. Of course this would mean the mods would arrange something, and possibly switch out every week or maybe even everyday. Just make something work. This might help, since whatever is happening now isn't really working. I didn't really think any of this through, it just kinda came to mind. Just want some more suggestions. Thanks for reading, -Candy
When would a moderator get promoted to global? Cons: People will message the mods asking for help on another gamemode when they have no perms there. More mods would be required but only certain gamemodes would get applications. Certain gamemodes are dead. Pros: Moderators only have to cover certain amount of gamemodes Bigger chance for more moderators. Overall I'm Neutral.
To pinpoint on the 1-3 servers to moderate idea; in theory this seems like a good idea, but in practice this was not the case. Back when this was added, almost everyone flocked to the PvP-related gamemodes. To give you an idea of just how lopsided it was, out of all the accepted mod applications at the time, there was only TWO promoted mods who chose to moderate 2 non-PvP gamemodes (me with Skygrid and Creative, and bananaman with Skyblock and Hellblock). Why was this the case? PvP gamemodes happen to be the most popular gamemodes, and as such have the most room for troublemakers to wreak havoc. The reason why staff are drawn more towards those servers is because those servers require the most attention. Although it may be seen as a bit much, there's really not much to look at if you're in somewhere like Skygrid, where the chat is usually extremely quiet and rarely goes beyond 10 users. While this does cause an imbalance, if staff were to shift focus from the servers needing most attention, the issues in there can get out of hand to the point where it's going beyond their control (i.e. Creative in 2014), while the staff are spending time in servers that don't need as much moderation. Going back to the 1-3 servers to moderate idea, it was already bad when it was originally put in place, but adding it again now would be even worse, considering Mineverse is much smaller than it was 3 years ago, making those who don't want to mod the PvP servers with even less to moderate than there already was. While I was still active on the two servers I was moderating, at some points it felt like I was merely a forum mod chiming in with the rest of the staff team. Why would anyone want that, when they could go where the action is while still finding enjoyment, and being able to actually use what they're given and asked to use? Perhaps with that added the globals could spend more of their time on lesser played gamemodes, but then that's just cutting into their ability to moderate, and assuming almost everyone is choosing the more popular gamemodes. As for the schedule part of this suggestion, I'm unsure of this. It's a bit unnecessary for an MC server, does pose some health risks, and is difficult to maintain, but there are some benefits to work shifts. TL;DR: Limiting the gamemodes for new applicants to apply for was bad idea since not all gamemodes require equal moderation, and it won't work again since it never will require equal moderation and only hurts those who want to focus on non-PvP gamemodes entirely. No support.
again, i didn't think it through if you read the thread. i see your reasoning though, good point. just an idea
As stated, the theory behind this was actually good with good intentions. You are also very much right about global moderators normally favouring certain servers. This could be seen as a bad thing, but it's really not. Having the moderator there as a global one allows for that mod to be more helpful in terms of actual moderation throughout the server. It allows someone to do /staff and find an active moderator and ask them to come to any server to assist them with something. If a mod only had their permissions on 1-3 servers, then this is obviously going to be a problem.
Neutral. This was implemented for people who need help on a certain server get the help from any moderator online but I think it would be nice to have it back. Also, having certain mods global and some not wouldn't be bad.
Schedules don't quite work with this type of "job". We cannot allocate certain hours for people as it's not real job. You volunteer your spare time. That is all.
No support; when this was implemented before it really wasn't effective. Mods need to be global so they can help on other gamemodes when they're needed. The idea of it seems great and possibly on a larger server would work better, but with Mineverse it's just better to have global mods. Same goes for the schedules, difficult to implement and not that useful. I also think more mods would leave if they had to follow certain schedules.
No support. I am mostly the only one online right now at the midst of the day, and I don't think me being on only one gamemode would favor.
Back when I was first promoted, I was a 2 game mode Moderator and while it was good at first, I realised it was not a good idea after a while. I constantly had people coming to me asking for help on game modes which I did not have perms on, and I had to tell them no. Being the only one online in my timezone most of the time, I had a lot of players get angry with me and blame me for not being able to help them. I don't think a schedule would work well because things are always changing. What we do need is a larger staff team with people promoted from across all timezones. May not be possible but it's ideal.