IGN- Speculations Offenders IGN- CAPTAINMARK2000 So I notice him and his butt buddie hacking yesterday ok? so I informed peeps they hack because that's whot people dooo deze days righhht? So dat's whot I did and I got on TODAY~~~~ And he said "blah blah I know where you live an your ippp" I'm like WTFF?FF?F I pooped my brother and I didn't know whot was going on after that but I am scured this guy is vury scary an he leaked all my information city/state/ip please ban him he scares me so much he also hacks (no proof) but he does. He si no gud for this community people he is a l33a7 haxor and we can't have him leaking everyones information..Imagine if this old man leaked your info peoples! ~Sincearly me of course111 p.s agentwifi plesae lik mey crusty toes i sorwy p.s2 *THIS GUY IS A STALKER HIDE YOUR KIDS WIVES AND PUPPIES HE IS COMING FOR YOU HE KNOWS WHERE YOU LIVES EVERY1 PLEASE HIDE* More screenshots http://gyazo.com/6bf7bb174525c43701410e8e596429b3 http://gyazo.com/2af736e0a2a34d2a2524ce1e105acfd7
UnHidden Content: Is this a ban? I mean, yeah he knows all this stuff but it doesn't show him leaking it to anybody else