I bought kit god a couple of years ago, and just got on the server after a few months abscense and I can't seem to do /kit god? Every time I do it gives me the message 'Error: You need the essentials.kits.god permission to use that kit.' Can anyone offer any help? Thank you!
Cyp removed kits cuz there's something called EULA (bs) So you cant do kit god anymore Only n kitpvp oppvp and archerpvp
If you are able to use the God rank permissions, then it should be because of the EULA as @Amori stated above. I hope that helped. :D
The only working gamemodes, with any kits are the following: Kitpvp, Kitpvp2, OpPvP, ArcherPvP If your rank has been removed, provide screenshots or transaction ID when emailing [email protected] and they should be able to fix it for you, With enough evidence of the rank. No one knows, when the kits are going to be back on the other gamemodes, knowing the owners laziness maybe not forever. (Staff) Maybe consider moving this to (Donor & Donor Issues)
What game mode were you trying to access your kit on? Some game modes have had kits removed and that's possibly why you cannot use your kit.
Closing this due to inactivity. If this is still an issue feel free to report this post and ask for this thread to be reopened or message a staff member online for further help.