Hello! I find something to prevent spam very annoying and excruciatingly frustrating. You see, when you type up the same command or message two times in a row, the 2nd command/message does not work. This is annoying in cases where you actually have to type up the same command again, like world edit (//set, //replace, etc). I suggest that you can use the same command in a row, but not a casual message. If there is a plugin available for this, sweet. If not, then I suggest that you can type up ANYTHING more than once in a row. We already have plugins where you cannot type up a command or message in a small period of time, having this is making matters worse. Please consider this CypriotMerks. -Reborn
Support, every time I need to type something again, I have to waste the time typing a random thing, and it gets really annoying
Support cause I play alot of parkour and when I do my /warp ix I gotta say somthing between deaths its annoying