I changed my name multiple times, and on creative my plots are registered to my old names. I have 5 plots because I am a Titan, Noobcrew gave me ownership of 1 plot until he had to go. I can still do /p h /p h:2-5 etc. But cannot add people :( if a moderator on creative could give me ownership that would be great! Or, if not. @CypriotMerks , @Noobcrew
1 You change your name back to old name. 2 When you can change your name back, dispose your plots 3. Change your name 4. Quickly re claim your plots back, be careful as people can claim your disposes plots, but this is very, very unlikely. 5. ENJOY!
I believe this to have been changed. I recently changed my name (from TADS) which is what my plots are under. I am still able to add / remove players. Just not clear or dispose.
This happened to me as well, the only thing I could do to get my plots back we use an alt to change my name back to my old names and re-claim all my plots. :/