I'm Disappointed Because @Scorvix Is a Kind- Respectful Player On MV, and Honestly This Man Needs To Become a Mod! He Is So Funny, Always Suppports, and Be Honest with what the Thread Is About, and Most Of All He's One Hell Of a Infection Player! Good Luck My Dear Friend.
Scorvix, you've got my full support. Amazing application. Very heart touching :'( P.S. I'm the mandarin
Thanks guys. <3 Thank you Xavier. Your kind and supportive words have really made not my day, but my week. <3 Thanks Sniper. This application's setup is the same as my last one, but the content is different. Besides Where I live, How old I am, etc.
I have to support!! You MUST become mod!! You are always really helpful in-game and are always making useful suggestions!!
Now that all applicants are going to be accepted as global, I'm going to re-review all the applications based as if I think you can be a Global mod. Second review goes to you, Scorvix. - The app is brilliant and definitely appeals to me. Very professional. - Your in game activity is good, however I would like to see you on your chosen game modes a little bit more. - Of course since I've never seen you in game, I'm not sure if I see you helping in chat. I may be wrong, I don't know. But since you got mod the first time, I assume you did. Overall I do support. Good luck Scorvix.
Back again, I suggest adding some more information, after the last question was taken out, it really ran down the amount of information on your application. Support still. Good Luck.
Thank you StrKillr. Much thanks to you, Stormy. Thank you fryzigg. I feel honoured receiving your support. Thank you bwo. I always want what's best for Infection, and Mineverse. Thanks LightTensions. Thank you Diamonds. I am mostly active on Infection, I was semi-active on Skywars. Other people can vouch for me that I help people in game, although I'm sure you would like to see it for yourself. Thanks Censor. I have already been thinking of what else to add. ;) Thanks saablade. :D Thanks TAD. No need to apologize for your opinion. Although I would like to know why that is your decision. Could you PM me, I do not want to fill my mod app with off-topic content. Thanks. Thanks everyone, for your support, opinions, and suggestions. They all help.
Greetings! Fantastic application Scorvix. I know I can personally say I have always had positive interactions with you both in game, as well as on the forums. I also understand all too well how joking can sometimes take that one extra step and bother someone. It is not the intent, but alas, it happens. Your apology seems heartfelt and I truly don't believe you meant offense by whatever comment was made. I am glad you are taking the experience as learning opportunity and were not discouraged from reapplying. Best of luck! Regards, Melgrath