Welcome to my Moderator Application. So please, sit back and relax while you take the time to read over my application. I'd like to start off my application with an apology to CypriotMerks. What I did was wrong, I know that now. At the time I thought it would be a harmless joke, but I soon realized that it could be easily misunderstood. I offended you with that remark Cyp, and I am sorry. It was never my intention to insult you in any way. If I was able to go back and change what I did, I would. I'm truly sorry, and I hope you can forgive me. How old are you? 18 What is your in game name? Scorvix What is your timezone? Eastern Standard Time What country do you live in? Canada What languages do you speak? English Why do you think you should become a moderator? Helpful I do not hesitate to help anyone who needs my assistance. I am very knowledgeable in the game modes I am applying for, and with that knowledge I am able to answer practically any and every question someone may have. Thus enabling me to quickly analyze and solve problems that may arise in the two game modes. Professional I bring a high level of professionalism to the table. I use full sentences and punctuation correctly. I try my best to stray away from acronyms, but in game they come in handy. With my strong sense of professionalism, I am able to stay calm and collective when situations arrive. Irritating me is very difficult, some may say it is impossible. There is almost no annoyance that can break my composure. My maturity ties in with my professionalism. Friendly Being friendly is very important for a moderator. By being friendly, it will make me more approachable to players that need help or who just want to talk. A big part of my friendliness is that I like to joke around. I make a lot of the jokes about me, but I also make some jokes about my good friends. Usually, they are funny jokes. Responsible I know that being a moderator, it is your responsibility that the server runs how it should. Becoming a moderator means you are dedicating your time and effort into the server, and I am prepared to do that. I do not hesitate to take responsibility for my actions and my faults, and I own up to my mistakes. Respectful I always show respect to the people who deserve it and do not deserve it. I do not insult people or bring them down, I do not make them feel bad about themselves, and I do not try to get people angry. This is a minecraft server, people come here to play with friends and to have fun. I treat everyone equally. I do not discriminate against anyone, as they all must follow the rules and be subject to the punishments if they are broken. Even if one of my friends breaks a rule, they too must be punished for their misdeeds(I've done it before). Welcoming The future of Mineverse resides in our new generation of players as the old generation of players will eventually move on. I make sure every newcomer to Mineverse is welcomed and given any help they may need. I try my best to make them comfortable at Mineverse and help teach them about the server. How long can you be active on the server everyday? In Game Monday-Friday: 1-4 Hours Sunday & Saturday: 1-8 Hours Forums Everyday: 4-8 Hours My in game schedule varies day to day, sometimes I am on for 5 hours. I am on the forums from when I wake up, to when I go to bed. Although I am not constantly on in between these times. How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have been playing on Mineverse since October 2013. Have you ever been banned in the past? I have only been forums banned for a short time. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? I was a moderator here for a short time. I learned so much in that short time, but I believe I have much more to learn. Thank you for reading my moderator application. Positive and negative feedback are both highly appreciated. If you find any errors, please notify me in any way you like. Thank you, and have yourself a pleasant day, or night.
I believe that I have supplied sufficient information. I do not want to put unneeded points, or points that are not true. Just remember this is my first copy. Moderator applications should be edited over time. They should age like fine wine.
14rd. Scor, what can I say. I was banned while you were mod, which I really dislike. You are the most reliable person I think was promoted this year, TBH. No idea how you were demoted but I know you won't make that mistake again. Support.
Wow, great application once again. Scorvix, you have my full support. I truly believe that you - if deemed another chance by Cyp - will be able to show him how well of a job you can do, but hopefully over a long period of time. Good luck! You deserve this!
Support! You never got a chance to moderate last time. i wanna see you in action i'm sure you'll do great (giv cooookie plis)