I think it is a complement to be called a hacker. People over react when someone else is better than them on the internet.
your on the right train wrong track because some people say hacks if they can beat them but sometimes they have solid evidance.
Yes 3yerrt has banned me for calling he a Hacker since he thought my freind said "F***ing" but he said "Hacking" as on Op PvP it does not show the full text so you clearly do not know what it's actually saying but i agree does not deserve to be a ban !
I just call ppl hackers when I see them with my own eyes, but I don't say it aloud since I won't spook the hacker
I don't see how it is a problem, if you are constantly being called a hacker and you know you are playing legit, then you are obviously really good. You should take it as a compliment instead of an insult. Just my opinion.
on infection everytime I go on, someone will get called a hacker, either a noob calling a donater a hacker, or the other way around, and to be honest I dont like it at all. it sometimes gets out of hand too, the entire chat is engulfed with differnt hackusations. its proably the same on alot of pvp-based servers too.