For them to get your IP using Skype, they must have called you? I'm not sure you can get it another way from Skype anymore? I may be wrong, but if they got it from Skype, then you must know what their Skype name is also - Pm me their Minecraft Usernames also.
This is my final post in attempt that you will actually do something. IF they keep on Ddossing you, then your only valuable option is your change your ip, in doing so this will disallow whoever is doing this to continue, thus helping your out. If you don't change your ip, then it's possible that these people will continue, which is kind of your fault in a way, since a few people has posted with valid ways to change your ip, thus stopping the people who are Ddossing you. If you don't change your ip, which can sometimes only take a coupe of minutes, then sorry to say, but it is your own fault that you never changed your ip to get away from said people Ddossing.
@MrPronounce(Kyle) you are so wrong in many ways. 1. Skype isn't the only way of getting ip's if you want me to prove that I can and 2. please stop trying to get this kid to pay 120$ for a vpn that Is a scam.
Obviously you never read what I actually posted... I never said that Skype was the only way of getting someone's ip, I said that for someone to get your ip using Skype, then "I think" you need to be in a Skype call. So, you are wrong, plus I am not trying to get him to pay for a VPN, if you read further back, I added others possible ways that he could change his ip. Next time you accuse someone of being wrong, make sure you understand fully on what that other person has said, as I have just proved you wrong, my point is still valid. Thank you.