No, this is not an april fools joke. WHY I AM LEAVING: @Scor is why The new infection reset is why Nobody wants to help me get a perm ban from infection too many hackers and noobs k bye no joke im serious why are you still reading this No seriously I quit mineverse forever bye for real Scorvix blame yourself ya fricking bully we used to be friends but you ruined our friendship you can suck on my massive mushroom
Bye. Enjoy your time off. EDIT: Thank goodness. Finally. You won't be spamming Infection anymore with suicidal ideas.
bye felicia, I guess we don't have to deal with your 'Infection permban' crap anymore. No wait nevermind, you never did quit.
The infection reset isn't new By the way if you still want to be perm banned you can just message death wishes to cyp in-game Bye & cya