Hello everyone. I'm just going to leave mineverse. I can't handle hackers, spammers, scammers, and rude players. I cannot play on Mineverse like this. I decided leaving is the best think for me. I've tried applying see if I could I help, never happened. I am grateful for everyone that had been there for me, and have helped me get through some REALLY hard times. I will come back once Mineverse is better. For now, I'm gone, and heart-broken. Goodbye everyone. :(
I'm sorry you are leaving. I completely understand your frustration. Maybe one day you will come back.
I understand but think of it this way just report and /ignore the people :D but Mineverse will miss you :-:
I understand how you feel. Sorry to see you leave :/ Feel free to talk with me on skype whenever though :D
Don't think we've seen each other in-game, but I hope you decide to come back someday D: have a good week
Plz dont leave me bb <3 I know the server community can be really crap sometimes but dunt gu ;-; I'll miss yoo :C
But we were just getting to know each other.. I understand your pain, I left a server I loved because it was a LOT more polluted than this server.. then I found this server. I have faith that one day this server will go back to normal and then you may also come back. Good luck in your endeavours and I wish you even more luck in your future life.
Aw, please don't leave I hate seeing many players quitting and leaving Mineverse I understand how you feel and I hope you come back again