HERE'S MY LATE INTRO :] NAME: bwolnbonkcd ;)...OKAY, its Evan AGE: 13 btw, I have been on the server itself since March 2013...I made my forum account a little later... I play tonz of INFECTION (I'm prestige 10) ;), SKYBLOCK, and OP FACTIONS. I don't play the other games as much. DONOR RANK: GOD :] WIERD CRAZY FACT :}: I have been bitten by my gerbil on my TOUNGE (DONT ask why lol), NOSE, AND EAR.
Lol your a new member, and he's a active member XD, lol I think you are newer them him. Lel HELLO!!!!!
He puts an Intro, I welcome him simple as that. Just because it says I'm new doesn't mean I know less then he does.