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  • Buying Skyblock Legendary Keys

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Moni, Jul 15, 2017.

    1. Moni

      Moni Boss Member Premium

      Oct 5, 2016
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      Hey everyone!

      My in-game name is MoniVI and I would like to buy legendary crate keys for Skyblock but I'm broke D: I'm willing to pay in-game money on Skyblock or any other game modes for one. Since there is a sale right now, I thought it would be the perfect time to do this since they are usually $7.50USD but now they are $3.75USD!
      I'd be offering to pay anywhere from $0 - $60,000 on Skyblock. Apparently, every $1 in real life is equal to $10,000 on Skyblock so a fair price at the moment would be around 35,000 but I'd be willing to pay more. :) If you don't play Skyblock, I can pay amounts on other games such as the Pvp game modes, Prison, Skywars etc
      If anyone would like to trade with me, just comment below how much money you want on your choice of game mode and I'll then decide if I would like to do the offer :p We can make a time to do so :D
      I'd like to get around 2-4 keys so I'll be only doing a certain number of trades.

      Note: I will be video recording when I trade unless u want to pay first :p

      Edit: The sale will be finishing on Monday 17th July so keep that in mind if you wanna trade since, after that date, the keys will be back to the normal price of $7.50USD

      - MoniVI :)
      Last edited: Jul 15, 2017

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