About 1 month ago, I checked if it was possible and it say "You are not allowed to purchase this". Yet if I tried to buy Titan, everything was ok.
I'm logged into my account, and it is God: https://gyazo.com/32c737af4ad63704f1c5287174c043a0 https://gyazo.com/9b8e01a96ba7a1396d1fae76b7efdc87 See, you can downgrade people. @Elliot
You can get to that point, but I don't believe it will let you buy the package. (actually paying for it)
I just went all the way until I reached the 'Pay' button, and I'm pretty sure it will let me buy the package if I did click it.
Cypriot and I are looking into a way to make it so that it wont happen to people. If you'd like to help more, you can read more on the subject http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/pextras/
Not actually downgrading her but this is the first name I thought of. Lets see if it Lets me downgrade her (I'm to broke anyway) Sign in You can still downgrade people.... Support.
I saw this on another server, it says "someone has bought you a buycraft package but it's a different IP to yours, do /confirm to confirm your package!" and then after it shows what they bought you and if you click on it you apply it. (Skip to 2:49 and you'll see it in chat.)