Well people are angry already that kits are gone. If this happened, kits would come back and donors would be happy. Even players would be happy that they would have a chance to get a donor rank. Thanks for your opinion
This is actually a very good suggestion, We could keep 2 ways of geting a donor rank if we get this. We get a donor rank by buying it with in-game money ( That way everyone can buy it ) and we could keep the current way of geting a donor rank, by actually donating.
There already failing 99.9999999999999999999999% of money is from kits There server is going down anyways
Yeah I get what you mean, I just thought this was a suggestion for ranks with commands + kits, not just kits.
The problem is, if we remove the ranks being buyable as a whole, the only way to donate to the server is through just that without any rewards. So, its likely not too many people will be just donating to keep the server up. Not to say Cypriot will be broke anytime soon if he does this, but losing money is not good for long term. I would support this as a player, but I can't when looking at the business end of this suggestion.
Maybe instead of selling ranks, just sell the kits? I know kits are the main thing that people buy ranks for, but this is a way that donating is still more benefitical than just the kit by itself. I agree with the in game kits being temporary and make donor kits permanent, but I think 1 week is too short, maybe a month or 2?
it should be items and ingame cash for the ranks, not just cash. Would you only get the rank for that gamemode?
1 week isn't too short. in my opinion. That depends on the price in game XD just rambling. but what if mineverse sells money? and not ranks. and if you add a system where people can buy temporarely ranks and permanent. permanent would be really expansive. and temporarely would be expensive but not unpayable if you get what I mean.