I have been looking on the forums and I have noticed that many people has been insulting other players and being unkind to and about them :( I do not like to see this at all.. Can we please just stop this? You do not know what they may be going through in their life :( There might be a reason they act this way that you do not know about; that you do not need to know about Cyber bullying is just as bad as real life bullying and it's the same thing only through a screen so if you wouldn't do it in real life please do not do it online then either I am just trying to make sure every one has a enjoyable time here on the forums I hope we can make this a better place
I do not mean to call you out Logan but I know you have been a vitctim of this so if you would like to say some words you may @Ponyknight99
Hmph. While I appreciate this effort. I must advise you that the last time I made a thread like this it ended up in nothing more than a flame war. A seemingly common thing in my threads
When members reply with some thing that isn't kind you just have to ignore them and not reply or you can try to reason with them by asking them why they have said what they said and why they think it was a good choice to say it. I am not saying this will be any different from your threads I am just saying that my advise may help you in some way
He had trouble with that, not meaning this in a rude way, but that is why every thread he makes; ends in flame war.
I understand this I am just trying to help him understand what is causing others to flame against him and what he can do to prevent it
I do not know if you mean that he is demanding respect but if he is I will let him know that not every one will respect him and that is ok but what people need to understand is some people will dislike them but they just have to be the better person and ignore them
While I understand your reasoning (yes, I'm admiring I'm very argumentative with those who tick me off)... I'll put it this way: imagine everyone here, including us, is a dog, ok? I'm not the only one here who needs a chain to hold them back. True, I may need a stronger one than others, but I'm not the only dog in the park that needs one
Not everybody is a reasonable person. That's why most people get into agreements and keep them going until it's a flame.