Hey everyone! Man, it really hurts typing this, but I'm typing this out very slowly. What I want to inform the mineverse players is that I probably will not be as active for a couple days due to my finger. The finger that's semi broken is my left hand's middle finger and I use that for "q" which is my sprint key and w which is my forward key. Also I can't really use shift to type a capital letter until it heals cause It hurts when I press down on it. This does effect my pvp action which is why I will be on just to chat a bit. I say a little bit because I have to type slowly in order for the sentence to come out right. So don't think that I quit or anything, just waiting for it to be healed. Thanks! MY CURRENT IGN: BitHyper
I hope you get better, just rest up. I know when I broke my finger it hurt. Don't worry just focus on you man. Get better, take care.
Feel better! I know how it feels to break a bone. I broke my foot a while back but it must be painful typing! Get better soon!
Feel better, I've had that happen and it takes time, take your time, let it rest and just know you'll be better.