Apparently prestige 8 and up have been glitched for a while. Have you fixed this? Prestige seven is ok, but prestige eight and higher just has arrows and no bow.
I have seen the new maps First Hand and they are different to the current maps but much better scale and detail wise. As this thread refers to 'bringing infection back' it sounds like your saying it may be deleted. As I'm on the subject of bringing stuff back on infection, It would be nice to have a week of the old infection kits. I know titan was not added then but there is a pattern with the enchanting. This would be nice for the longer serving players of MV, but also good for the newer players, as they can see what It was like. Support on this thread, but some of the edits where needed. ~word
Cypriot may you please add more prestige ranks as well many people have gotten past prestige 10 and are just doing nothing we want a challenge and something more to do.
Cypriot, Remove Halloween. Halloween makes Infection not fun. Reason: 1) Prestige 7 uses bow and bow spam. 2) Hackers hit them in cobwebs. 3) They bow spam and hide in the pets while camping in cobwebs ;-;
um... whaaaaat prestige 7 bow spam? you could basically just take screenies... I don't think its hacking.. maybe because there is a body part outside the webs.. if im wrong soz. I also hate pet hiding.
Why did @SourDoesPvP give all of us a dislike on the first page? @canucksfan44 could you remove the abuse please?
its added... right? and for VIP, I can't do /pet hide or /pet show or /pet remove... its annoying dat way.. yeah, lotsa VIP command not fixed.