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    Discussion in 'Help' started by will5955, May 3, 2014.

    1. will5955

      will5955 Active Member

      Apr 25, 2014
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      My friend (zuzia20033) can't go on creative cause of a book called "GAVIN BOOK" It gives you -100 Max Health and -100 Speed. She tried doing /clear and throwing it, but it kills her too fast.. And I was wondering if someone could clear her inventory so it won't be in her inventory.. Thanks. -Will5955
    2. BlueberryWaffle

      BlueberryWaffle Well-Known Member

      Mar 30, 2014
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      Well, normally I would suggest trying /clear or dropping, but you already did that.

      I do have an idea though, try this in the meantime while we wait for higher staff to help with this:
      1. Get a macro mod and bind a key to "/clear"
      2. Log in, and bash that key, hopefully that will clear it.

      I do also believe there is a way on some macros to bind it to automagically enter a message when you log in...
      You might be able to /clear to a log in macro, but I am not sure on that.

      I will try to get the attention of one of my staff friends for you :)
      Good luck!

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