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    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by KinderEggs, Dec 28, 2016.


    Should I become a staff?

    1. Yes

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    2. No

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    1. KinderEggs

      KinderEggs Active Member

      Mar 8, 2016
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      • Your in-game name:


        What timezone are you in?


        What country do you live in?


        What languages do you speak?

        English and a little bit of Korean

        Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)

        Yes, I use Quicktime and Gyazo.


        Why do you think you should become a mod?

        Reason 1 ( I Think I should become mod because, I am always on at least for 2 hours on Mineverse everyday and I am constantly active. I also want to become a mod because I’m seeing a lot of mods that don’t do anything and are usually AFK on servers or just sitting there. Once I was playing OPPvP and I see a mod ‘ not gonna name who ‘ just sitting there while I’m yelling at him that there’s an hacker and so are other people yelling at him.

        Reason 2 ( I am honest and I am always responsible and respective. I usually take action for the things I’ve done and tell the truth. A long time ago I wasn’t honest or truthful and I figured that I ended up getting into bigger trouble by not telling the truth. So honesty is always the easiest path out. I respect other players that respect me. I am responsible for my actions and I know that I am.

        Reason 3 ( For the past few days I’ve been reporting offenders, advertisers, hackers, and so much other things. So I already at like I’m a mod. ‘ kind of’ I also usually take screenshots of funny or fun things that are happening in the servers and post them on SnapChat or MV Forums ← except I don’t know how.

        Reason 4 ( I am also very mature I am young but I am bold. If I get into a fight I usually handle it by saying stop or I just log off the server to hope that when I come back they would be gone. )

        Reason 5 ( I usually take risks in life but it usually comes out with something good most of the time… MOST ← I have once though, went on a longboard (skateboard kind of) and I fell onto my arms and it was bleeding like crazy. I forgot to put on arm pads. Luckily though I only had to get a few stitches.

        Reason 6 ( I am kind of soft hearted and sensitive towards others. I usually cry after watching a sad movie like FROZEN and started weeping and sobbing. I only cried when the parents died in a storm. Hehe.

        I’m usually just an average kid with an average mind.)

        Reason 6 ( I take things I am ambitious to and spend as much time as I can on it before the last second. If I really want something I’ll do almost anything to get it. Like food who can’t deny food. C’mon don’t deny it!)



        How long can you be active on the server everyday?

        3 Hours minimum 8 hours maximum.

        How long have you been playing Mineverse?

        More than 1 year.

        Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)

        Once in forums and once in game.

        Do you have any past experience as a moderator?

        Yes there is this small server that is about zombie survival I play on and I was promoted to Builder then a Moderator

        Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below? Yes/No

        I’m pretty sure that I do.

        Do you have 50 Post Count?

        Pretty sure.

        Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up?


        Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums?


        Do you have Skype and Teamspeak 3 for offline communication?

        Yes I do.

        That’s the end of my Application I really do hope that I get moderator or any staff because I did spend quite a while on this. Thank you all for spending your time to read this. Love you!
    2. Maxine

      Maxine Well-Known Member

      Nov 5, 2016
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    3. KinderEggs

      KinderEggs Active Member

      Mar 8, 2016
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    4. Dyna_Mighty

      Dyna_Mighty Retired Head-Mod

      Oct 13, 2014
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      I am closing this since you do not meet the requirements on this forums account.
    5. Dyna_Mighty

      Dyna_Mighty Retired Head-Mod

      Oct 13, 2014
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      Thank you so much for taking the time to apply for staff on Mineverse.
      Unfortunately you don't meet the requirements for staff at this time. We encourage you to read the requirements needed and take some time to get to know the community here on forums.

      Feel free to fill out an application in the future.
      Volunteers are always needed.
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