My Ign: Elephantlovr33X their Ign: Zyphie (AKA AbbaBrines Alt) iSkrillz Ddashcycle Evidence: - Zyphie (Please ip Ban him) - iSkrillz - Ddashcycle - Saying its Him - Also have a question about CatTahmeed, i Think u spelled his name wrong when u banned him, bec it says CaTmeed on the top, but its CatTahmeed, and i did /seen CatTahmeed, and he aint banned. Sorry for sooooooo Many Forums, I just REALLY Hate Hackers
Zyphie and Ddashcycle are hacking. He is sprinting while charging a bow. No ip-ban as you cannot proof he is an alt. iSkrillz is clearly hacking with Kill-Aura. I will check up with your question about Cat. Thanks for the reports!
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.