you definitely deserve mod i have seen you be very helpful and mature in game and on the forums good job. Keep up the good work! c:
No support. You sort of annoy me. You are a huge mini-mod and that's whats annoying. No support any time soon. Good luck.
Nothing wrong with being a mini mod, but, as an ex mod, I can tell you that it sometimes gets annoying seeing people acting like they are mods. However there is a difference between answering server related questions like "Is it ok to hack" [not mini modding] and telling people not to spam/hack/curse etc [mini modding]. As far as this app goes, I think you will get mod. You seem honest and mature. I wish you best of luck.
No support, I'm sorry. This is a good application. But I feel this is s hypocritical matter, as I have seen you in game. Doing the opposite of some of the bright parts of your application. If you improve your in-game attitude, I may begin to support you. Good day, ~Onion
Support, Good Luck. CypriotMerks doesn't care if people are mini-modding, it helps there application out.