Hey everyone. Again, i changed my name to iBeatZedBower. This is the Best PVPer tournament. If you win, i'd consider you the "Best PVPer". The winner also gets a special prize, but I will not tell the prize. If you compete, I just wanna say Good Luck, and have fun. <3 This is Season 2 of PVP Tournaments (Hosted by iBeatZedBower) General There is no pay. This is a 1v1 tournament. This is a fight to death. More info later. Rules No Cheating, Hacks, Explotits etc. Do not use anything that has kb, you will automatically be disqualified. Fishing Rods are allowed. Speed is allowed. Do NOT use leaping. Whenever the host (me) tells you to get on, you should be on at that time. Do not use Strength. Fail to do these rules, then you will be disqualified. Allowed Items All swords. Enderpearls. Fishing Rods. Speed Pots. Extra Armor Sets Unlimited Gapples Blaze Rods Judges iBeatZedBower Players Player Formats IGN: Skill Level (1-15) Judge Formats IGN: Does iBeatZedBower/ZedBower know you? Why do you want to be a judge? (at least 2-3 sentences) Good Luck. <3