He's nothing without his kit he admitted it. ANYWAY I'm really good with a bow people accuse me of aimbot and I usuallyy beat fast bow hackers with my bow :3
Well I am really good at pvp… but definitely not the best on server! I stopped pvping a while ago and only started back when I started playing Infection again
@CosmicGalaxy32 is the god.. not only are you the f**king nicest guy to me! and we barely no eachother im sure you could kick my and anyones elses in a 1v1 cosmic wins sos guys and gals :P
Pfft haha! Haha HA! You make me laugh xD that is hilarious! I killed him and his friend when they 2v1ed me, you really think he's good? Lol!
froend? ok its no flame war. calm down kid also go to school you needa work on that grammar there. @joshuawebb
M9 no one has seen me bow some people's butts off. Once I got 8 combo on a full diamond P3 guy. He raged and called me out for hacks. I'll verse anyone with a bow just say the words.