Updated List @MiningCreeper454 Claire is amazing. She has helped me through so much, and I love her, she's like a sister to me. @Glaadiator Glaad is an amazing person. She is always there for you when you need her. <33 @PinkStr3ak Pinkehbae is perf. She wrote an original song called 'Madibae' just for me ;o @Grayson Thank you for everything. I love you so much ;o @salamander9o Sala was an amazing guard, and still is an amazing friend. She's always there for you. <3 @canucksfan44 All I have to say is ';)' @jarroyonaples Perf. c; @mindsensation Mind is an amazing friend. He's funny, amazing, amazing, and amazing. tyty. Do not be offended if you're not on here, and please do not tell me to add you. These are the people who I talk to regularly, and I love them. I love every one of you, so don't feel left out.
I consider them as my friends Guy MPG Kyle Mind Grayson Poke jadey Pink Jennie (.net mod) Sala Sco mineterria Claire
@jarroyonaples @almarobb123 @rachetclanks @HipsterChick @shadow_knight @blossumwarrior @PinkStr3ak @jadey64 @Lola Perez @3yerrt @Skydiver27 @Greg_2307 @VaMeSa123 @PandaBear__ @XOXO @madisonjr @Firo3000 @xxELITE @mineterria @pokemaniac01 @BioNarix & more
Mine would go: @me @me @me @me @me @me @me @me @kitkat6605910 @Firo3000 @mi poota @mi xb0x @Grayson sux kthxbai
Okay I guess it's time I make one of these. @BioNarix @Firo3000 @Glaadiator @kirbyo32 @Maddy1145 @mindsensation @MiningCreeper454 @MrParkourGuy @pokemaniac01 @SomeGuy No specific order besides Alphabetical cause why not.