So I can't attach more than 1o pics in 1 thread, so I am making a 3rd thread about My Best Friends so I can add more to them. So lets get started. Okay so these are glaadiator, lukey_luke (he is a Steve), DjRyan, and Awesomenesspony (a steve too). They are amazing friends, friends that helps you in everything and very funny. Also we are with Bilbo (my pet), Tia (glad's pet), and DatA$$ (Awesomenesspony's pet). :p So here I am with Layers, Kirbyo making a photo bomb, NitroFusions, and Awesomenesspony (steve). They are super swag friends, very awesome and lovely. Jadey64 He wanted to be added again :3. So yeah he is a nice friend and funny xD. rachetclanks He is an amazing mod, kind and honest. He is mah friend of all time :p If you want to be added here please leave a reply and I will add you immediately ;).
We need to take a selfie gurl xD Sure thing when we meet in game :P I don't xD Wanna be added again since you are added? :P