I don't even know why I'm posting this because I'm most likely going to end up changing it again soon, but it's been like this for about a week
Omg it's so cluttered.. I made it so the icons are as if they are in the tornado. EDIT: Of course the trash would be in the corner, trash doesn't belong. (Guess what Pokemon that is as my wallpaper) :>
Nup, but you are very close indeed EDIT: No wait, it's either Tranqul or Unfeazant, so you are correct until I find out what it is.. EDIT EDIT: It says on the wallpaper description that it's an Unfeazant, but upon further Pokemon knowledge/reasearch, I've noticed that the pokemon in the wallpaper looks more like Tranquil than an Unfeazant.
Why I agree to post this picture, I don't know. I probably have some very personal information on the screen somewhere, that I have overlooked. :D