1. Look at your competition, are you a match for them? If not, use every word in your capable mind to create the most detailed application, more than those competitors of yours. Nah, they're no match for you. 2. Have you even read the template? Its one of the first threads on the section, and its pinned to the top. Make sure you follow it or you'll become the guy no one supports. 3. Does anyone even know you? Yes? Good. You are going to have a great start. If you are new to this whole 'Mineverse' then you need to build a reputation, and hopefully a good one. Actively post in threads and make connects, you need friends or people to rely on. 4. Make sure you pay attention to the little red line under words. If you don't you'll get a load of these guys attacking you. 5. Don't be bias between non supports and supports. Keep each reply fair and evenly emotional. Good luck, the 4am man now sleeps.
Thanks for taking up your time to type up all of this! It helped me out A LOT.. And I've witnessed the terror of the Grammer Nazi.. o.O