WELCOME TO BEEFY YORK CITY!! We have MANY Attractions here in this Wonderful City! Our Motto is Beef is Love. Beef is Life Our Main Attraction include but are NOT limited to: Beef Central Park Big Beef (Big Apple) Empire Beef Building Statue of Beefyness Beefyfeller Center (Rockefeller Center) Times Beef Square Beefy Island (Coney Island) Beefy City Music Hall Beefy Square Garden (Madison Square Garden) Carnebeef Hall (Carnegie Hall) ChinabeefTown (Chinatown) Beefster Hall (Webster Hall) Batterbeef Park (Battery Park) World Beef Center Site COME AND VISIT! Our Lovely Mayor is Grayson! His home is near the Beefy Town Hall!! We are just a bit North of the Now destroyed New York City! Come and Visit and THANK YOU. Circa 2030
Because it just does ;-; She is in the Empire State Building and the 9.9 Magnitude earthquake hits NYC and so everything is shaking. Sir beef is at his home with his 2 kids and he gets them out and in the car and they start driving away to safety. And so as they are driving a huge crack in the earth opens and starts swallowing everyone in. The smithsonian located nearby in Washington, D.C. crumbles and falls and the White House is destroyed in the process. The huge Times Square billboard falls inward and collapses onto the streets below. As sir beef and the kids are driving away, he gets out of the car and tells his kids to get on the floor and sir beef runs into the Empire State Building. He goes to the 12th floor where his wife is and they run down the stairs and quickly as they can. In the lobby, they run towards the exit like anyone else and as soon as they step outside, another huge crack appears Ok the street and many people start falling in. Lady beef is hanging on for her life and finally says "tell the kids I love them" and she falls in ;-; Sir beef runs toward the car and they drive away to waht is now Beefy York City. The end.