Hmmmm Neutral because there are certain scenarios where spawn killing is necessary. For example if someone has wooed or sanded their bed. Spawn protection is in my opinion useless. The person can trap your team. Build iron blocks around it, and you can't even break out, because your team keeps interfering with your break. And the camper could just wait for it to cool off.
This is what I'm NOT against, I mean, you know what Ant_Pearl & Kenji do right? They spawnkill even when the bed is not protected, and when the players do decide not to respawn, they don't get the bed and instead wait for the enemies to respawn so they can farm kills or take up more time to farm gold at middle.
This may be so. However if someone takes a screenshot off their mc, and the bed is actually sand-protected. People might get unfairly banned.
No, They don't ban for that, they need evidence of who placed the sand for the player who did it to be banned. Thanks!
I think you misunderstood my point. If player A is spawnkilling, and there was wool over the bed. Player B who doesn't know the bed is protected with wool, takes a screenshot of the chat, and bans the person. This would be quite unfair.
Oh! This is where it would be "necessary" to spawnkill while one is trying to glitch through to break the bed. This is what I am okay with, but what Ant & Kenji do is different.
I know that. However, not just ant and kenji do it. I'm saying people no one recognizes just starts randomly spawnkilling, and someone who doesnt know that the bed is protected, like me, screenshots him, and he gets banned. Quite unfair. This would be a hard to ban, and I think people will get framed for it.
What do you mean?.. It wouldn't be hard to decide, if the bed is wooled or sanded then simply there is a reason, and if not there is no reason.
TBH I have spawnkilled before but I only do it if I know the other team is nubby (if I see one player I consider "good" on the other team or a hacker I don't usually spawnkill because that may make me lose) and if it's the last team (twice I've spawnkilled before the game was over and some other guy broke our bed). Plus I only do it for ~30 kills and then one of these three things usually happens -I get bored and I break the bed -Someone else comes and breaks the bed -They leave I don't do it at the magnitude of ~400 kills per windmill game or anything.
No Support. If you dont like getting spawnkilled Leave, they can break your bed at any moment anyway people should be allowed to play as they want
He's done nothing wrong, it isn't an offense yet. Neutral as I think people should have the freedom to do as they wish