Hey guys, I came up with the idea that you must be able to open conversations when you are banned, not reply to it, but just be able to view it. Why should this be added? Because when you get banned, you receive a conversation/PM of the moderator that banned you, but since you aren't able to open conversations, you don't know what you have done wrong, so that's pretty annoying. Your sirencly, Levis.
I agree yes, but if you wont be able to open the ban-conversation, you wouldn't know what you've done wrong.
No support. As someone who receives enough hate mail as it is for doing my job, this would only increase that hate mail. There might be another way to make it to where you would receive a message about why you were banned. For the most part, if you've done something to get banned, deep down you know the reason. Occasionally there might be something that you did to get yourself banned unknowingly, but more times than not, players know why.
I agree this, but there are alot of reasons why you could've been banned, and sometimes you get banned for something you don't remember anymore, so this would be very handy. Thank you.
You shouldn't be banned for something you did a long time ago. If that is the case, then you would need to appeal. And if you did something a day ago and can't remember it, well......