I do not understand what is going on with the console for Mineverse. I believe that there is something wrong because I got banned from Skyblock for spamming? I didn't even spam cause I was not even on that server for 3 days and when I get back on it says that I am banned these are the exact words it says: kicked whilst connecting to skyblock: Banned: Spamming Appeal @ Mineverse.com ~Beefy I don't know what happened and I keep hearing reports from other people too! So it is either someone is abusing power or there is something messed up. I would like to hear what you guys think on this subject.
Post your ban appeal here: http://www.mineverse.com/forums/ban-appeals.49/ Make sure you use the correct format too! Complete this form (copy & paste it) to your appeal post. Please be sure to post your ban appeal in the correct section. If you lie or don't follow this form, your appeal will not be considered. In the title write: [<Person who banned you>] Your in game name In-game name: Full exact Ban Message: Game mode banned on: [Kit PvP, factions etc] Did you read the rules ? Why do YOU think you were banned? Was this an incorrect ban? Were you ever banned before on Mineverse? If so, what for? Why do you think you should be unbanned?
That's not the console, that's a moderator, beef, aka Grayson on the forums. Make a proper appeal and you will find out why you were banned.